We are delighted to have relocated our office to Westcott Venture Park, Buckinghamshire. “Our primary goal is to continue to deliver geospatial data of the highest quality from our new home at Westcott.” ‘SLC soars to new heights with move to Westcott’: Westcott Venture Park Press Release
SLC certification by GCAA of United Arab Emirates
SLC ASSOCIATES has obtained the official certification as “AERONAUTICAL SURVEY SERVICE PROVIDER”, by the General Civil Aviation Authority of the United Arab Emirates (GCAA), according to the Civil Aviation Regulation for Aeronautical Surveying Service Providers, in its first edition (CAR ASSP Issue 1). To obtain this certification, the company underwent an exhaustive audit, contemplating the review of the following aspects: …
LA / 06/901 – Twelfth AIM Multilateral Meeting of the SAM Region for the transition from AIS to AIM
SLC ASSOCIATES developed a presentation where we show our experience as a LEADING COMPANY IN THE SUPPLY OF AERONAUTICAL DATA, within the framework of the celebration of the Twelfth Multilateral Meeting AIM of the SAM Region for the transition from AIS to the AIM – ICAO SAM with the purpose to support the States in the development of the action …