Safeguarding & eTOD software
GDMS-Desktop™ and GDMS-Enterprise™
The requirements for electronic Terrain and Obstacle Data (eTOD) started to make a big impact on the aviation industry towards the end of 2007, and a decision was made to develop a package that would both handle eTOD and carry out Aerodrome Safeguarding. As a result of this, Geospatial Data Management System (GDMS) was created.
GDMS is a bespoke Geographic Information System (GIS) for handling electronic data and carrying out obstruction analysis against Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS). Unlike many of it’s counterparts, GDMS is completely standalone and does not rely on a cumbersome and expensive background CAD package such as MicroStation or AutoCAD. GDMS was first launched in February 2009 and it is now in use at over 60 different locations around the world.
Key Features
Aerodrome Surface Modelling in 3D
The 3 dimensional aerodrome models are quickly and easily created using the Start of TORA and Threshold coordinates (WGS-84 or Grid), runway distances, code and category and a library of Standards (CAP168, FAA. CAR, etc.). Runway centreline profiles are also added to create the Transitional surfaces correctly. Thereafter, the model remains completely interactive and can be changed at any time simply by changing the setup criteria.
Creation of Custom Surfaces
Custom surfaces can be added by importing from CAD, Google Earth or created directly on screen from known positions. Typical applications would be the Instrument Flight Procedures or technical safeguarding areas for navigation aids.
GIS Functions/ Information layers
As with all Geographical Information Systems, GDMS can create a view of the environment by creating multiple layers of information such as raster and vector mapping, aerial and satellite images, 3D terrain data (eTOD), airport obstacle limitation surfaces (Annex 14, Navigation Aids, etc) and user created zones.
Object Analysis to Visible Surfaces
Input Obstructions singularly or in bulk, in Grid or WGS-84, with all the Annex 15 eTOD attributes if necessary, reads the CRC tags and verifies authenticity, add to existing obstruction group or creates a new group. Test obstructions against individual surfaces or all visible surfaces with fully configurable output formats for the Reports, including adding CRC.
Fully Customisable to Suit Variations
The Obstacle Limitation Surfaces are automatically created from an Aerodrome Standards file, and these files can be customised to reflect national differences from the minimum standards. Individual surfaces within an aerodrome can also be edited to reflect unique local variations from the standards.
Export Features Include AIXM and Google Earth
Workspaces can be output to both CAD and Google Earth so you can easily share your data. Obstructions can be exported in AIXM format.
Inbuilt Document Management System
Import scanned documents, spreadsheets, pictures, etc. and store obstruction reports inside the database.
Enterprise Version
Cloud-based version available for remote access and for use on mobile devices.
Sales and Support Agents
Praxis i-Technologies in Hyderabad, and Crane Aviation in Nairobi provide support throughout India and Africa.