SLC ASSOCIATES has obtained the official certification as “AERONAUTICAL SURVEY SERVICE PROVIDER”, by the General Civil Aviation Authority of the United Arab Emirates (GCAA), according to the Civil Aviation Regulation for Aeronautical Surveying Service Providers, in its first edition (CAR ASSP Issue 1).
To obtain this certification, the company underwent an exhaustive audit, contemplating the review of the following aspects:
- The documentation, adoption and maintenance of adequate Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in geodetic surveys, for the purpose of obtaining aeronautical data.
- The implementation, development and maintenance of a Quality Management System certified by ISO 9001 Standards.
- The effective implementation of a Safety Management System, according Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS), according to ICAO Annex 19.
- The documentation, adoption and monitoring of an effective training program for surveyors, in order to supply aeronautical data.
- The reviewing of professional competencies for managers and surveyors.
The audit was executed in 3 days, obtaining satisfactory results, which enabled the issuance of the respective certificate.