PRESS RELEASE – GDMS moves into the cloud

The market leading software for safeguarding aerodromes, GDMS Desktop, can now be used online without the need for any software on your PC, just a reasonably good internet connection.

Workspaces and aerodrome OLS models still need to be created using the Desktop version so users of the online facility will need to have at least one Desktop licence. However, once created, the whole Workspace along with terrain data and any Custom surfaces, can be uploaded to the secure ETOD.AERO server.

Workspaces are hosted in the Cesium environment (a close competitor to Google Earth) and Users are able to input the details of proposed structures (obstructions) and test them against the visible surfaces. Fantastically simple and efficient. The perfect alternative to buying additional Desktop licences for your whole team.

To try the online version of GDMS, go to GDMS.ETOD.AERO and log in with the details and a password of ‘password’. You will then be able to use a demo airport, not quite fictional but a closed one so nobody should get upset about data confidentiality.

For more information contact or download a simple tutorial pdf here